+Choices – Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme

About the service

Positive Choices (+Choices) is available for anyone aged 16 years or above, regardless of gender or sexuality, who are engaged in abusive behaviour towards their current or former intimate partners, or immediate family members,  providing the opportunity to recognise, acknowledge and change that behaviour.

+Choices provides support to a person causing harm, at all risk levels, offering different pathways of support including disrupt, triage and short-term support, one to one or group interventions, with the opportunity to then become a peer mentor.

The aims are for individuals to be better able to recognise, acknowledge and change their abusive behaviours and to feel their lives are more stable and are more resilient to maintain a positive behaviour change. The service offers, a non-judgemental and supportive approach, whilst holding people to account and providing opportunities for them to choose to change.

Alongside support to improve awareness about healthy relationships, the service can also support with other areas of need, including accessing services to better manage physical or mental health and wellbeing; support to access services to secure settled accommodation; support to access services to better manage substance misuse issues and support to access services to participate in education, training, or employment opportunities. A Domestic Abuse Intervention Worker will co-design a bespoke support plan based on individual needs.

For more detailed information regarding our support services, please see our promotional material and Impact Reports attached, which includes client testimonials.
+Choices Leaflet
Impact Report 2021-2022
Impact Report 2022-2023
Impact Report 2023-2024

16-17 Years Support

The service is available for anyone aged 16 years and over, who wishes to voluntarily address their behaviour in their relationships.
An individual can self-refer or be referred by another professional or service. To learn more, you can read our leaflet by clicking here. 

See below some example of our Have You Ever Flyers, we have a range covering types of abuse and demographics:


Integrated Support Service (ISS)

The service is delivered as part of a whole system approach to domestic abuse,  where partners, ex-partners and/or other family members are also offered access to our Integrated Support Service (ISS). A dedicated Victim Liaison Officer (VLO) will be their first point of contact. There is close partnership working with the Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) and other agencies to provide a robust and integrated system of support, with the key focus to increase their safety and wellbeing, as well as the safety of any children involved.

For more detailed information on our ISS support, click here.


Respect Accreditation

+Choices is a Respect Accredited service and is a nationally recommended provision of a Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (DAPP.) To find out more about us achieving the Respect Accreditation you can read the full blog here.


Referrals can be made by agencies working with individuals, their families, or victim-survivors. Explicit consent must be obtained from the individual before a referral can be made. The individual must recognise and accepts their abusive behaviour and be ready to engage in our behaviour change programme. You can also self-refer, using the referral form on this page.

We are unfortunately unable to take referrals that are part of a court ordered activity where there are ongoing child application arrangements.

Referrals are only accepted via our online form below.

Please note we are a North Yorkshire and York service. Please contact the office if referring from out of area.

Click Here to Make a Referral >

For more information on how to complete your referral:  Referral Guidebook 


Awareness Raising Sessions and Toolkits

We are also able to deliver workshops and awareness raising sessions around domestic abuse and pathways of support for people who harm, if you are a professional or enquiring on behalf of an agency or service, please share your details if interested to find out more. You can fill out this Enquiry Form.

See below for positive feedback from our clients: 




As a service we are open Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm, please note we are closed on Bank Holidays.

For general enquiries or if you would like support to complete a referral form via telephone, please contact 01904 557491.

You can download the +Choices privacy notice here.


*Please note that some of the people in this video are no longer working at +Choices and there may be some changes to job titles*

International Women’s Day 2024

At +Choices we celebrated International Women’s Day by discussing what ‘Inspiring Inclusion’ means to us:






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