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News & Blogs

Shadowing Day – Durham Domestic Abuse Navigator

Our Communications Manager, Aissa Gallie, recently spent the day shadowing a colleague from our Durham team, Helen. Helen is a Domestic Abuse Navigator, delivering outreach support across Durham to victims of domestic abuse. Aissa’s report from the day follows: *all of the customer’s names have been changed to protect their identity. As Communications Manager, it’s […]

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Foundation Gets Physical!

Motivating customers to prioritise their physical and mental well-being is an important part of our work across all of the customer groups we support. A sense of well-being is vital to social inclusion, which is a long term necessity for homeless prevention services. It helps to have role models to aspire to and for our […]

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Foundation launch Mercury House; a homeless prevention hub in Scarborough.

In the face of rising homelessness nationally, Foundation, a charity working across the north of England, launched a new hub for homeless services in Scarborough, on Friday 23rd March. The hub provides a home for numerous specialist services, including a legal service, and 19 accommodation units for young homeless people, doubling the capacity previously available […]

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Scarborough – Mercury House Launch Event 23rd March 2018

FOUNDATION SCARBOROUGH LAUNCH MERCURY HOUSE – A HUB FOR SERVICES TACKLING HOMELESSNESS IN THE TOWN. Mercury House, Scarborough: On Friday March 23rd, 11am-1pm Foundation Scarborough will host a launch event for their new premises in Mercury House, previously home to the Scarborough Mercury press. Robert Goodwill MP, will officially open the new offices and young […]

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Tacking youth homelessness through social inclusion

Our North Yorkshire Young People’s Pathway service, supports young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Practical support is provided to help young people into accommodation, but with a long term view the support aims to prepare young people for independent living at the end of the pathway and reduce risk of homelessness […]

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Getting Rough Sleepers off the streets: Severe Weather Provision – Beacon

Along with Leeds Housing Concern and Touchstone, Foundation form part of the Leeds housing consortium, Beacon. Throughout the winter and especially during severe weather such as we’ve seen in the last week, Beacon adhere to the severe weather provision protocol, playing a vital part in keeping rough sleepers in Leeds safe during extremely cold weather. […]

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