Domestic Abuse – Help and Support for Individuals and Families

Domestic abuse comes in many forms – from violent, physical attacks, to controlling and manipulating someone emotionally, financially, sexually, psychologically or socially.

Nobody should suffer in silence, so here at Foundation we offer advice, information, help, support and counselling through a range of schemes and programmes, and in partnership with a fantastic network of external agencies, to ensure that your voice is heard.



“I learned self-esteem and believing in myself”

Freedom Programme customer

From experienced professionals to volunteers with personal experience of domestic abuse, you’ll have access to a caring and committed team who will offer you refuge, reassurance and guidance to help you rebuild your life after domestic abuse. Foundation provide services that take a whole family approach to domestic abuse; supporting victims, supporting children witnessing domestic abuse and helping perpetrators to recognise and change their behaviours.

Domestic Abuse Services

We tailor our services and partnerships to ensure that you and your family have the help you need across a variety of issues, with schemes and services.

Durham Domestic Abuse Services 

Foundation Durham provides a mixture of accommodation-based, floating and triage support to clients across County Durham.

The Domestic Abuse Navigator Service (DAN) provides a responsive integrated support service for clients with complex needs who are fleeing domestic abuse. They provide assertive outreach and strength based needs led support to help clients (and their children) navigate and overcome barriers which have prevented them from accessing stable accommodation. The service supports clients to enable them to take control back over their lives and improve their safety, well-being and independence.

+Choices: Perpetrator Service (North Yorkshire)

+Choices (Positive Choices), is our Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme based in North Yorkshire. You don’t need to wait for a professional to refer you, so please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01423 500905

+Choices is a bespoke programme to support perpetrators of all kinds of domestic abuse, including physical, emotional and coercive control to acknowledge and change their abusive behaviour. You will be supported through a tailored package to meet your individual needs and help guide you through the 26-week behaviour change programme. Our aim is support you to build healthy attitudes towards relationships and reduce the risk of repeated incidents. Our service is available to anyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, over the age of 16 and who is a perpetrator of domestic abuse.

If you’re a victim of domestic abuse, help is just a phone call away on 0113 303 0150 – please call us in confidence and we’ll do everything we can to keep you and your family safe.

Innovations in Domestic Abuse Services

At Foundation we understand the impacts of Domestic Abuse are on the whole family. These impacts are immediate AND long term, increasing the risk of homelessness for victims, children and perpetrators. We work to provide a whole family approach and wherever possible support families to remain in their own homes, safely.

• Therapeutic support for children and young people: Our Child Therapeutic Services page has links and information to help you understand and seek help for your children.
• We offer outreach and Early Identification and Referral services
• Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) and Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA)
• Our Sanctuary Schemes provides security for in victims in their own home.
• Women’s refuge accommodation
• +Choices – perpetrator programme.
• Therapeutic, educational and recreational activities
• Housing advice and support
• Counselling
• Flexible response for male victims of domestic abuse

One of our customers, Carol from Redcar, bravely shared her story. She also gave us permission to share her powerful personal from her abuser’s trial and a song that she wrote about her experience and survival. She wants to inspire other women who are experiencing abuse to seek help and support.

Carol’s Personal Statement

Carol’s Song

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