June 22, 2016
|By Paul
Stakeholder Survey Newsletter Summer 2016
A Note from Our Chief Executive – Maggie Jones
Foundation is on a journey to improve and develop our organisation in ways which both better meet the needs of our customers and celebrate their strengths. See Page 3 for details of how we are doing in relation to our Strategic Goals and we would really value your feedback on how we are doing from your perspective, as one of our valued partners.
We want to learn, from our mistakes as well as our successes, and there is no better way to do this than to listen to critical friends, so please do complete the survey and give us the benefit of your feedback.
Thank you in advance, both for completing the survey and for working with us in such a positive way.
With warmest wishes
Strategic Plan Update
We are now 12 months into our 3 year Strategic Plan and we have been making good progress towards achieving our goals. Here are a few of the highlights:
- The new and sustained work to take co-production to the next level, developing our new policy and auditing our activities to increase the involvement of customers across Foundation.
- Customers have been involved in the bidding groups for all service re-tenders
- The Volunteer strategy was finalised, training for staff has been delivered with an increase in volunteer placements (including customer volunteers) meeting targets across all teams. Our new Volunteer bureau is up and running
- 75% of customers in our customers survey said they have been offered the opportunity to influence the decisions Foundation makes about its services
- Foundation played an active part in the campaign run by Homeless Link to safeguard Housing Benefit for vulnerable young people.
- Research with customers on health was undertaken as part of the annual customer survey and we are now accessing more health support for customers, although mental health services continue to be a problem in many areas. Health continues to be one of our customer’s top 3 priorities – along with Accommodation and Managing Money.
- We achieved an average 13.5% improvement in inclusion for customers moving through our services, across our range of 10 measures of social inclusion
- We have reviewed and revised our staffing models in response to bids and also service innovation such as triage.
- We piloted and rolled out our health offer to all customers
- We commissioned consultancy support on identifying new housing solutions and will be taking action on the results in year 2.
- We established a new health partnership and all operational managers have partnership maps in place.
- 68% of our customers who have received support from similar agencies said that the Foundation were better than other providers
- Excellent achievements on re-branding and the new website
- New Housing Policy Framework completed and shared across all teams improving voids and re-let times. Action plan produced to maximise rental income and standard lease agreement for landlords developed.
- Achieved our 80% target on decent homes compliance
- Significant cost savings achieved through our VFM targets across the whole organisation.
- Over 95% of our customers in our recent customer survey rated us as “Great” or “Good” for Reliability, Empathy, Approachability and Responsiveness