Foundation Kirklees

In response to the current challenges faced by individuals across Kirklees KBOP have commenced an emergency phone and webchat function providing Advice, Support and Guidance to anyone during this difficult time.

Callers do not need to be part of the existing  service, this emergency helpline is available to anyone who needs help with the following: Housing, Financial Resilience, Benefits, Accessing food or medication, wellbeing or Mental Health, social isolation and if they feel unsafe in their home.

The helpline is staffed by professionals from across the KBOP network and available 7 days a week 8am to 8pm on 07562252940.

Online and chat support are available via Facebook: and Twitter: @KBOP_Kirklees


Foundation Kirklees offers a range of services:

  • Accommodation-based support for adult offenders, working in partnership with West Yorkshire Probation, Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing and other local landlords. Adult Offender service includes support for women who are vulnerable due to being at risk of offending or involved in in sex work.
  • Service for vulnerable young people who may be at risk of violence, risk of offending, or experience of being in care.
  • Support and accommodation-based programme for young offenders in Kirklees who are referred through the local Youth Offending Teams.
  • Client events & initiatives such as art groups, healthy eating, etc. in our main offices.

Our hours of service are 10am – 3pm Monday to Friday


Self-referrals and agency referrals are accepted. Referrals are made through the Kirklees Better Outcomes Partnership (KBOP). For more information contact KBOP by telephone on 01484 415461 or email

The referral form and eligibility criteria can be found on the KBOP website.

Read about how the Kirklees team work with Adult Offenders

Good News Story!

A client (DM) at Foundation Kirklees -KBOP has made leaps and bounds since their referral earlier this year. You can read their full story here.



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