Challenging Behaviours

Foundation started out as a charity for the homeless in Leeds, assisting offenders and those due to leave prison. Over the last 30 years our experience has grown and our services diversified.

Strong in our commitment to ‘inclusive communities where everyone matters’, Foundation works to provide services tackling some of the more challenging issues in our communities, including specialist services working with some very high risk offenders.

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“Both mentally and physically I'm in a much better situation. I put this down to the support and help I've received.”

Foundation customer

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Our core services in this field include:

Resettlement and Community Safety Scheme (RACS):

A high performing short term support service working with offenders who have the highest need and pose the greatest risk to themselves and the community.

+Choices – Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme

+Choices (Positive Choices) is a service of Foundation for perpetrators of domestic abuse, providing an opportunity to recognise, acknowledge and change abuse behaviour.

Find out which services we deliver locally

We provide a number of specialist services to meet the needs of offenders subject to Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements, Mentally Disordered Offenders, offenders subject to drug or alcohol rehabilitation requirements, Prolific & other Priority Offenders, offenders subject to Integrated Offender Management and male perpetrators of domestic violence.

In all these services, we work closely with Probation and other criminal justice sector partners to maximise outcomes for clients and the wider community. We also offer housing advice services for offenders subject to Probation supervision.

A recent QAF assessment stated:

“Foundation is an organisation experienced and skilled at working with challenging offenders, including very high risk offenders” and “[Foundation] continually hit or exceed performance targets.”

“Foundation care about me and my outcomes. You never give up on me even when I am hard to work with.”

Foundation customer

Foundation is committed to keeping its customers safe. We work in partnership with specialist agencies and support services to ensure our customers feel safe in their homes and experience good health and well-being.

“The wider community has some issues but foundation work closely with the police so I feel safe.”

Foundation customer

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