March 20, 2017
|By aissagallie
As a charity and registered social landlord, working to support vulnerable people and families, Foundation’s day to day work offers invaluable experience for Social Work students. Working with Universities across the north of England, Foundation have a number of students working within our teams and with our customers, at any one time. We benefit hugely from their professionalism and innovation.
Janine Throupe, Student Officer at Foundation says:
Throughout Jan – Dec 2016 we had a total of 49 social work students come into placement within Foundation and the feedback from the Universities and the students themselves has been absolutely fantastic. It is clear to see that our placements are very highly regarded by Universities and students alike and 2017 looks set to be another bumper year too. Foundation wants to say a really BIG thank you for your support with accommodating Social Work Students on placement within your teams during the last year.
She also shares the following feedback from students themselves:
‘My placement with Foundation has been an extremely positive experience. I came into a team that was under immense pressure due to cutbacks, but even in the face of adversity, I was made to feel welcome by each and everybody. My time with Foundation has certainly been enhanced by having such an amazing Practice Supervisor, and Practice Educator. I feel that I have learnt so much on my placement with Foundation, and it was everything I hoped it would be. Furthermore, I believe that I have met all the domains set out by the Professional Capabilities Framework: with so much scope regarding service-user groups. Any student who is lucky enough to be placed with Foundation should make the most of this wonderful opportunity, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Foundation for enriching me as a person, and thus, my future practice.’
Kind Regards
Natalie Clare
My placement at foundation has been a great experience, so happy to have had foundation as my first placement experience. I felt welcomed from day one and the team have supported me so much with adapting to working within the organisation. There were no unrealistic expectations of me and I was never put in a situation that I felt uncomfortable or jeopardised my safety. I felt appreciated and respected as a support worker not “just a student”. I was allowed to grow at my own pace and members of the team actively sought to provide me with learning opportunities. My supervisor Natasha was approachable and always willing to support me, I felt comfortable with her. I really like that everyone is customer focused, and genuinely want people to get on in life positively. What I have learnt here is invaluable and I feel more much more confident in my practice as a student social worker and will no doubt transfer these new skills once qualified. I enjoyed it so much I have taken a temporary role within Foundation.
Thanks for everything.
And it’s not just the students who have positive words to share on Foundation placements. Dave Cook, Student Placement Officer from New College Durham University says:
We appreciate your support and partnership working in providing valuable experiences and opportunities to our Social Work students towards their qualification. The placement experiences and opportunities are a vital aspect of the BA (Hons) Degree in Social Work.
If you re a student looking for a Social Work placement, or a University looking for placement opportunities, please contact hrteam@inspirenorth.co.uk