December 15, 2016
|By aissagallie
It’s not only the Christmas elves that are busy this December! Across our organisation our customers have been taking part in activities; celebrating time with family, volunteering to make a difference and preparing for festive celebrations.
A customer from Poplar Villa has been busy moving on from a challenging time in his life. Sam has recently tackled his use of legal highs and in doing so has turned his life around. He has been attending courses at Future Works, an organisation that provides mentoring and support for individuals to help them create a positive future through employment or education. Sam made this clock below, that is not only a celebration of a positive future, but also of his love for his family. Sam’s Support Workers in Foundation are hugely proud of his achievements.
Over in Durham, our customers and staff have been out in the elements. Hard working customers and staff from our Durham team are regular volunteers at Walridge Fells, a country park and a site of special scientific interest. They volunteer to help the country park Rangers to maintain the area’s habitat by lopping birch trees. This physical work is vital to ensure the preservation of the lowland heath, wetland, woodland and grassland. Well done to all who attended and thank you for care you show for your local environment.
Steering clear of the hilltops yet still out in the weather, a further group of Durham customer volunteers have been lending their support to Paradise Farm, getting crafty and creating wreaths to be sold in aid of charity and helping with the care of farm animals. Another huge well done to all.
Back at Poplar Villa, preparations for a Christmas Fair at the hostel are in full swing. Customers have made Christmas cards to sell and put up the Christmas decorations. The customers really enjoyed getting their home ready for Christmas. We wish them well with the Christmas Fair and look forward to an update on how much they were able to raise.
From all of us at Foundation, we wish our customers, volunteers, partners, stakeholders and funders the very warmest and peaceful wishes for the festivities and New Year.