September 01, 2016
|By aissagallie
Foundation and Pret a Manger have been working together to offer opportunities for Foundation customers to take up apprenticeships within the fast food chain.
These opportunities involve close support for the apprentices, who will have been out of work for a long time due to issues such as homelessness, mental health and substance misuse. Pret a Manger offers these individuals the chance to move back into work, building their self-esteem, motivation, social skills and changing future lives.
Three new apprentices have just successfully completed interviews for the 12 weeks Pret a Manager apprenticeship scheme. Two apprentices will shortly be placed in Leeds shops with a third looking at either a shop in York or Leeds. There is a very real chance of full time employment at the end of these apprenticeships. Foundation support customers throughout the post liaising with shop managers and the Pret Foundation in London, ensuring the apprentice has the best chance of succeeding. Leeds support worker,Debbie Hodgson deserves a special mention as she is offering flexible support to apprentices from pre interview stage to the end of the 12 weeks.
We wish all the apprentices well with their new posts.
Foundation is very interested to hear from businesses who would like to offer other similar opportunities. The Pret a Manger apprenticeship suits some of our customers, but Foundation believes that others could get back into work even quicker through other kinds of work placements. We are looking for businesses who would be interested to work with us in arranging apprenticeships in roles such as cleaners, security, receptionist, labourer, warehouse and stores operatives. Initially we are looking to build these relationships in the Leeds area, but will also look to expand the program across the whole organisation in the future.
Please contact, Brent Riley, Leeds Support Worker for more information.
0113 3030 269 / 07850 312472