Foundation Harrogate delivers a number of services, working with Adult Offenders, young people and victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse:
- Resettlement and Community Safety Scheme (RACS): A high-performing short-term support service working with offenders who have the highest need and pose the greatest risk to themselves and the community.
- North Yorkshire Young People’s Pathway: This service offers young people the necessary support, advice and mediation to enable them to stay in their present accommodation. Where it is not possible for someone to remain at home, we have a variety of accommodation options to suit their needs. The Progress Group at St Georges Community Centre runs as part of this service.
Our hours of business are Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. Other arrangements can be made as clients require.
To make a referral to any of the above services, in the first instance contact the Harrogate Team by telephone on 01423 521 666 or email