December 04, 2017
|By aissagallie
Over the last few months as the light has drawn in, customers across the North Yorkshire Young people’s Pathway have remained busy, using social and inspirational activities to give young people the opportunity to develop skills that will support them as adults living independently.
Mercury House
In Scarborough the NYYPP service are settling into their new larger hostel, doubling provision in the town. Whilst in hostel accommodation customers are invited to join in cooking clubs, learning how to shop, cook and eat well on a budget. Brunch Club enticed customers to enjoy a traditional breakfast sandwich that they shopped for and cooked for themselves, as well as doing the washing up of course! Staff supported conversation around safe cooking, looking for the best deals and how branded products do not necessarily mean they are ‘better’.
Local student police join customers for dinner at Mercury House, which is really starting to feel like home. The customers have pictures up on the walls and music plays throughout the day. This atmosphere helps to extend a warm welcome to guests and gives our young people confidence and aspirations for their own future homes.
Activities Worker
September and October were busy months for our Activities Worker in North Yorkshire, who continues to help young people thrive, offering innovative opportunities for customers see themselves in a different way.
White Water Rafting
Customers and staff on the pathway from Richmond and Skipton enjoyed a day out at Tees Barrage International white water centre. Following introductions, safety brief and paperwork we were ready to get kitted out in the safety gear.
Down at the waterside we went through paddling techniques and commands, the customers demonstrated excellent listening skills and made sure that everyone understood what was required. For all customers, this was their first time white water rafting and there were a few nervous faces as the boat was pushed onto the water.
The white water course is manmade and purpose built for both amateur and professional kayakers and rafters. Once on the water the customers worked as a team, following verbal commands from the instructor, and sharing words of encouragement, making sure everyone was putting in the required effort.
We went round the course, sometimes backwards, spinning the boat and surfing on the white water, surviving the highest man made white water drop in the UK!
All the customers said they really enjoyed the activity and would like the opportunity to do more outdoor activities. They recognised the skills learned and used on the day; communication, listening, confidence and team work as well as the physical and mental well-being benefits. A customer from Skipton said, “I’ve had a really good day out, I didn’t think I would ever do anything like this, it was amazing”.
Imperial War Museum.
For five customers on the NYYPP in Craven an educational day trip to The Imperial War Museum of the North, proved an equally engaging if slightly less physically challenging activity. The Imperial War Museum of the North explores the impact of modern conflicts on people and society. The customers that attended all showed an interest in the displays and enjoyed the audio-visual presentation that turned the main room into an immersive cinema experience. Customers really benefited from the day out and have shown an interest in visiting other museums. “Thank you really good day out, it’s a new experience.”
Circus Circus
Whilst there is some funding for activities, the budget is tight. In order to empower the customers Craven staff and customers have come up with a fantastic way to fundraise. At a weekly cook and eat session, customers cook on a small budget, providing healthy and balanced meals for themselves. They also cook for the staff in the office, who happily pay £2 for their meal. This extra money goes into the customer pot so they can choose to do activities with the money. Having successfully raised money over the year, customers asked if they could go to the circus as it was in town.
It was a very enjoyable evening and gave the customers the opportunity to do something they may not normally get the chance to do. Everyone who attended had a good laugh and left in a very happy mood.
Not to be out done – Springboard customers from York attended a weekend residential, with a difference. To find out how the young people survived Zombie Apocolypse, click here!!