June 26, 2017
|By aissagallie
Foundation are currently working in partnership with Leeds Housing Concern (LHC) who are the lead partners within our Leeds Beacon Services (Accommodation).
Foundation’s HR team, Neil Fenwick and Noella Mellad have been supporting LHC to ensure the Beacon project has been in a positive position for the transfer of colleagues happening on 1st July 2017. Both Neil and Noella have helped by conducting staff consultations, answering complex Tupe queries and other employment advice to our lead partner.
In recognition of this, Janet Spencer, CEO at Leeds Housing Concern has sent both Neil and Noella beautiful flowers to show her gratitude to them both for providing their knowledge, skills and time.
Alex Greenwood, Head of HR at Foundation, said ‘I am so proud to work with such dedicated and enthusiastic people. Both Neil and Noella didn’t hesitate when I asked if they could support LHC with HR processes. They proactively stepped up to help out to ensure that the Beacon Service ran smoothly for all partners involved. Neil and Noella worked with Leeds Housing Concern and Touchstone to ensure that the service successfully achieved everything it needed within a short timeframe but also continued to meet the demands of their jobs within Foundation. Thank you so much for all you do!’
We are thrilled to working as part of such a fantastically innovative consortium and proud to continue our long history of service delivery in Leeds.