November 25, 2016
|By aissagallie
From November 25th to 10th of December marks 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence. This campaign launches with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and White Ribbon Day.
At Foundation we look at domestic abuse in terms of it’s impacts on the whole family. We provide refuge and support services for victims of domestic abuse, services to help bring about change in perpetrators of domestic abuse and, therapeutic services for children who are witness to domestic abuse.
The majority of the victims we work with are female. What follows is an incredibly powerful case study from one of our domestic abuse services in the north east (names are changed to protect identity):
‘Gabby got together with Leo 12years ago. He was just out of prison for armed robbery. She believed everyone should be given a chance and that they could have a good life together. Leo moved in with her and very quickly things started to change. She tells you herself she was no angel but she now realises she did not deserve the cruel beatings, mental torture and constant cycle of abuse Leo subjected her to. After the beatings he always attended hospital with her, to make sure she got the ‘story right’. She nursed her mother through cancer for 15 months. During this time the abuse was relentless and getting worse. She confided in no-one through fear, anxiety and hopelessness.
The couple became an agenda item at more than one MARAC meeting. Professionals genuinely believed that in Gabby’s case there really was no hope as Leo’s hold and grip on her life was so powerful that she never engaged with support services.
We never gave up on Gabby and finally early this year she started to accept our support. The path for her since this decision has been fraught with fear, anxiety, self-doubt and let-downs. We have a criminal justice system that expects victims to have the strength to give evidence and support prosecution on serious assault charges, amidst constant technical adjournments out of their control. We keep supporting Gabby to stay resolute and strong. We let her know how much we respect her for what she is doing, not only to help herself escape from a violent abuser, but also for sending out a message to other women in her situation.
Gabby finally gave evidence at court, a powerful Victim Personal Statement. The outcome was that the perpetrator received a custodial sentence. Since giving evidence Gabby has gone from strength to strength. She is determined to be a positive role model for other women subjected to violence. She is having an article published in a magazine and as a thank you for our support she is donating the proceeds from the article to our service to help other women.’
If your are a victim of domestic abuse please reach out by calling the 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247. You can also find information and support on our website (details are given on how to cover your tracks after viewing the page): http://foundationdomesticabuse.org/