October 19, 2016
|By aissagallie
Over the last few months, Foundation customers have taken part in different fundraising challenges – from bake-offs to hard, physical challenges they have all succeeded. The motivation to give back often comes from the loss of a loved one or to recognise where they have received significant support. Here are just a few examples:
A York customer, Helen, ‘Braved the Shave’ in memory of her Nana – she is still a small way from her fundraising target, perhaps you can help? https://bravetheshave.org.uk/shavers/helen-mcgreavy/
Scarborough and Wakefield customers baked for and hosted Macmillan Coffee Mornings:
And finally…a customer at the Durham team has successfully completed the three peak challenge which in total consisted of a 24 mile walk. He started the walk at 07.00 am and finished at 21.30 pm. The walk was to raise money for the church he attends. If anyone would like to donate please go to www.mydonate.bt.com The customer said,
“What a great experience, a one that will stay with me forever. 3/4 of the way round I wanted to give up, also on a few occasions I felt emotional like I was going to cry, the team spirit on the whole was fantastic and so moving.”
Giving back is something that many of us take for granted. For people living social excluded and vulnerable lives, giving back is something hugely significant. Well done to all our customers who are working hard to make a difference in the lives of others.