This summer our team in Skipton, Foundation Craven, benefitted from some fundraising by young people taking part in a UFA (University of the First Age) the National Citizenship Service challenge. Our colleague from Craven reports:

Bridget and I met the groups at the NCS ‘Making A Difference’ event at Trinity University and promoted Foundation services, explaining what we do day to day and the schemes that we have in Craven. As a result of this event two of the teams chose Foundation as the charity they wanted to raise money for. As part of the NCS programme the young people have to create a project that will have a social impact as a result of their work, they have only a week to plan and implement this.
The final result was that Team 1 raised £1,097.07 and spent £274.95 on toiletries and Team 2 raised £477.55 so a total of £1,299.67 has been donated to us! A huge and sincere thank you from all our staff and customers. The money raised will help fund social inclusion activities giving our customers a chance to experience outings, such trips out to the countryside or to the theatre, things that many of us take for granted.


During the MAD event the groups asked what items our customers struggle to buy and we discussed that often toiletries are a luxury for our customers as they are on a low income, they obviously retained this information and as a result bought and prepared toiletry gift packs for our customers.

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It makes a huge difference to our customers, not only to have these items but also to know that they have been gifted by young people who are working hard to have a positive impact.